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School children from Kingslea Primary School in Horsham have been learning more about touch rugby thanks to a visit from Horsham Rugby Club experts.
The club’s newly appointed community outreach officer Marcus Trethewey was on hand to teach the youngsters more about the sport and said it was great to be out and about visiting local schools.
The outreach programme is being supported by Hendy Group as part of its wider sponsorship of Horsham Rugby Club, a partnership which demonstrates the motoring group’s commitment to supporting local communities.
"As a club, we are delighted to be in a position where we can offer these free coaching sessions as part of our Schools Outreach programme, said Marcus.
“Having the support of Hendy Mazda and Hendy Ford will be vital in enabling us to deliver these sessions throughout the wider community of Horsham. I hope that our partnership continues for a long time as I know the rugby club and wider community will benefit greatly.”
Hendy Group has both Ford and Mazda dealerships in Horsham and Mark Busby, director – commercial operations, said the partnership with Horsham Rugby Club was an important way to work with the local community both on the pitch and as part of the outreach programme.
“The club has a great commitment to supporting players of all ages and we’re pleased to be part of that journey and seeing how it encourages youngsters to get more involved in the sport,” said Mark.
“The schoolchildren had a great time learning from Marcus and we look forward to supporting more school visits in the future.”
PE lead Cathy Smith from Kingslead School thanked everyone who had made this visit possible. "We have been extremely fortunate to have had Horsham Rugby Club come and support Kingslea with our delivery of rugby,” she said.
“The children have thoroughly enjoyed the sessions as they have learned and then developed new skills over the weeks. It has been a wonderful opportunity for our future rugby stars which wouldn't have been possible without this free service.”