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Potentially life-saving defibrillators have been installed at 60 Hendy Group sites across the south and south west as the automotive group puts the health and well-being of colleagues and customers as a top priority.
The company has invested £36,000 in the defibrillators and John Hendy said the widespread installation across all sites was a sensible precaution for the company to protect everyone that comes into contact with the business.
The arrival of the defibrillators comes at a time when there are more than 30,000 sudden cardiac arrests in the UK outside hospital every year.
Immediate treatment of someone suffering from a sudden cardiac arrest boosts survival rates dramatically.
Without immediate assistance the survival rate is less than 6% but with prompt attention this can rise to 70% and the availability of an AED (automated external defibrillator) increases chances of survival.
“Colleague welfare is a huge priority for us at Hendy so anything we can do to protect them in a working environment where they spend a lot of time is important,” said John Hendy, Group Property and IT Director
“We hope that none of these defibrillators are never needed but by having them in our facilities we know that anyone in need will have the best treatment available immediately.”
Defibrillators are being installed in a central position in all dealerships and facilities to enable a swift response for anyone in need and the installation process has included training videos for colleagues and posters highlighting where they are positioned.